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English translation for "combined station"


Related Translations:
combined curve:  复合曲线综合曲线
combined dupe:  混合翻底片
combined degeneration:  混合变性
combined reaction:  并发反应综合反应
combined resonator:  复合式谐振器
combined blowing:  顶底吹炼
combined mariculture:  综合性海水养殖
combined ash:  化合灰分
combining yang:  合阳
combined fertilzer:  复合肥料
Example Sentences:
1.So developing the oilfield combine station producing real - time monitoring system has high practicality signification
2.At last , author describes the hardware design and software design of a distributing monitoring system in henna weigang oilfield combine station
3.In this paper the application of distributed monitoring and control systems for oilfield production is discussed from the instance of oilfield combine station distributed monitoring and control system
4.However , most oilfield combine stations have many problems such as technique behind the times in parameters measurement and control equipment , facility aging etc . these problems affect the producing safe badly
5.Oilfield combine station plays a vital role in oilfield producing . besides including several craftworks , it takes on disposal of oil , gas and water , oil storage and transportation etc important tasks
6.The oilfield combine station monitoring system introduced in this paper adopted distributing structure , realized data monitoring and process controlling implemented by the plc system , realized data displaying , mmi , supervising of whole craftwork and control system and report forms printing implemented by ipc
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